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Our grammar school program (kindergarten-5th grade) exists to help your child develop a root system that will provide the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to anchor him or her through the challenges and rigors of middle and high school and the lifetime of learning and growing beyond our four walls. The program, therefore, focuses primarily upon strong biblical instruction, Shirley Grammar, phonics-based reading, and Singapore Math.


It is also during the elementary years that your child’s unique learning strengths, weaknesses, and unique quirks or intricacies are identified and that we develop strategies and curricula that will develop your child for future growth. No two children grow the same way, and at CCS we want to teach your child the way he or she needs to be taught.

CCS has the professional resources and personnel to utilize effective educational therapies, program modifications, and learning support programs so that students with learning differences can develop strong roots as well.


By the end of the elementary years, your child will have deep, strong, widespread roots that will serve him or her well as he or she grows up and branches out in middle and high school.

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