1/21/20 Executive Board Meeting
Attendees: Christina Crawford, Mark Niehls, Barbara Newell, Tyler Newell, Chris Blasko, Jill Barton, Elizabeth Howe, Kim Jenkins
Still on schedule
Invitations delivered today, working with John Mark to get addresses printed off. Should be going out next week and tickets going on sale next week
Food secured (buffet style) from Cutilos, working to get Desserts donated
Confirmed Venue at the Carousel
Still need people to help with procurement (Sending home ideas sheet with the students (looking for special skills) or approach one business to procure items)
Looking to organize a volunteer meeting for next week
Limit ticket sales to 180
Urban Air - 100th day of School
Date: Thurs 2/13 from 6pm-8pm
Tyler to set up a website for registration and payment
Include on the website that there is no makeup day
$6 per person + $1 per slice of pizza
Elizabeth to follow up on getting the remaining balance paid on the day of the event instead of by the end of January
Elizabeth to provide a waiver that will be posted on the website
Penguin Patch
Do we want to resign with them? Do we want to do something different?
Looking to get a 2nd person to help so everything is not on Kim (setting aside an entire week)
We think a fewer variety of items might be better
Possibly look at teaming up with Five Below or Dollar Tree to have volunteers help the kids shop and do it on a single night (fundraising)
Kim J. is going to look into Five Below fundraisers as a possible option for next year
Union Soccer Game (Philadelphia)
Possible fundraiser that Kim J. is looking to put out to the school
Kim J. to check with Sports Boosters to make sure that is not overlapping with other sports events
Email addresses
pto@educatingforlife.com add forwarding to Elizabeth and Tyler
Work with
Believe we are good with the distribution list
Use a new email when changing the subject
Tyler to create a new pto executive email address
IEW funds remainnig
Work with Jill to put requests in
Jill is going to review costs to see if additional reimbursements to the school may be needed
Voting and Bylaws
Tyler to revise based on active attendees
Performing Arts Boosters
Barbara will draft an email to re-allocate underruns for mics and new spotlight
Small Fundraisers
Signed up for Giant and starting to receive money
Spirit Wear - Cheryl just got her first check of $433
Jenny to send out the doodle for next meeting