Present: Tyler Newell, Chip Minto, Barbara Newell, Christina Crawford, Elizabeth Howe, Cheryl Laffey, Katie Scott, Chris Blasko, Jill Barton, Jenny Steffie, Jim McAndrews
Fall Fest
We have food (John Mark) - details are not finalized
Plan to sell ice cream (concessions)
PTO to get materials for smores for the Bonfire
a Dunk Tank has been rented
Jenny to contact David Smith about Student Volunteers
Plan to create an online sign-up (using
Contact ROG about photo booth
STEM Night (September 20)
Need help for consignment sale (3-4pm)
May need classroom helpers
Plan to create an online sign-up
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Send links to Tyler so he can put them on the website
Update PTO 2 hour pledge forms (add PTO web address)
SPORTS BOOSTERS Dodgeball (mostly grammar school age)
Proposed date - November 16th
Nerf battle at 422 Sports Complex
$215 per hour
If 25 kids attend, about $10 per kid
Create an interest survey
Proposed dates - February 22nd or 29th
Spiritwear online shop (proposed)
Online shop - Question: Can these items be worn in gym class? (discuss with administration)
Pancake Breakfast after 5k
Looking for volunteers
Secret Santa
Kim Jenkins
December 2-6th
Create sign-up for volunteers
Try to include grandparent volunteers
Basketball playoffs - February 14-16th
Keep the same date, February 13th
Need a sign-up for volunteers
Currently looking for a larger venue (300 people)
Looking for volunteers to procure items
Volunteers for class baskets
Sports Boosters
Money this year spent on digital pianos, girls volleyball uniforms
New uniforms will cost significantly more than predicted ($4-5,000)
Cost for event center sound system was over budget
Can we re-allocate excess piano funds to sound system? (Executive decision: Have the school pay the remainder)
Small Fundraisers
Giant A+
Amazon Smile (add links to website)
Vote to accept new language in by-laws about future expenditures
Plan to have 2 shows this school year:
Fall - scenes from Shakespeare (3rd-12th)
Spring - Oklahoma (junior version, all grades)
Potential Fundraisers
Christmas ornament sale
Pre-recording choir concerts (sell through Itunes? - what % will performing arts receive?)
Send ideas/requests through CCS page
Investigate who receives these email and has access to these emails
PTO email link on website does not work (fixed)
Looking for student liaison
Jim McAndrews, Chip Minto, and John Niehls
Recruit through house leaders
Tuesday, October 29th (Town Hall format)
Look to hire babysitter(s)